[Gift] Like Brothers
"Alright. That's it, mate." Diluc whipped the other 'buck around and he landed on his back with a heavy thump.
"Hey! The fuck is your deal, man?!" Kaeya hollered in response.
"I'm done with your shit. That's what!' Diluc's thin tail lashed the paved walkway.
"Then why are ya' still hangin' 'round me then huh?"
Tempering his annoyance Diluc stared down at the other 'buck. "Because I'm your friend, dumbass!"
"Aww jeez, here comes the sob story." Kaeya rolled his eyes, earning him a swift bat to the nose from Diluc's cloven hoof. Kaeya didn't waste a second to return the favor.
Their squabbling took about an hour to simmer down and when they did, both bucks were more glowering both at themselves and the other. Kaeya, once again on his back, stuck out a forked tongue and grimaced up at Dee.
"Yer kind of an asshole, ya know that?"
Diluc, between catching his breath, replied. "Yeah. I'm aware. You're a jackass yourself."
"Spare me your fancy words, TrustFunder." Kaeya mocked. "Seriously, what the hell? What was all of this even for anyway?"
Diluc sighed and looked off towards the darkening sky. "You reminded me of my brother."
"How so?"
"By getting on my nerves! By being a literal dipshit! You're-"
"Insufferable?" Kaeya muttered, taking to his for. "Tell me somethin' I don't know."
Dee watched the other 'buck continue down the stairs, his gator-like tail limply following behind him. "You're a good friend, youjust seriously suck at showing it, Kaeya."
This made him halt and throw a side-eyed look up the stairs at him. "'S'cuse me?"
"You heard me say it, I'll not be repeating myself." Dee took the stairs two at a time to catch up to him.
Kaeya glared, a lok of mixed emotions on his face. "Pansy-ass mother..." he let the insult turn into a mumble as he carried himself forward, shoulder's hunched and head low.
Dee followed at his side, still a bit awkward in his feral form. "You really are alot like him, Crepus I mean."
"Ahh yeah? Wouldn't take a princes like you to have mercs in the ol' pipe line."
"He got himself into troube alot. Similar things as you, now and again. It's how he fucked up his hand. Lead to our falling out and me being here."
Kaeya slapped him with his thick scaled tail. "Nah, nah- I don't do the bonding shit. Keep your feelings to yourself."
Diluc laughed. "Noted."
They walked side by side in silence, well, as much of it as the skycity could offer.
"Thanks." Kaeya finally muttered, so quiet that Diluc almost didn't hear him.
Little story and goober doodle of Loon and I's boys being bros. I love their dynamic, and pcture Kaeya taking as many shots at Dee as possible. To be far though, Dee will abslutely leave himself open for alot of jokes. But it's a mutual hazing back and forth. Dee learns to gain a thicker skin and not just take shit from otehrs, and Kaeya learns to relax... well... in a kaeya version. Still lots of explosions and swearing but yeah. Relaxed.
Submitted By Rikailiahn
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago