[Chr24] Cold Friendship
It was late one cold afternoon, the sun was beginning to paint the sky with pink and orange hues along the horizon. The brilliant colors reflected vibrantly across the snow-laden ground creating a photo-perfect winter scene. Bastion, a young Arctic buckleo, found himself rushing along in a hurry to get home and out of the biting cold. As if on cue, another slow, frozen gust of wind blew across the buck's face causing him to grimace and pull his scarf a little tighter in place, hoping to keep the winter air at bay for a little longer. Usually, the view of the afternoon sky would be something he would stop to admire, but today he just wanted to have a hot bath and some alone time. Long hours protecting his charge left the royal guard exhausted and burnt out like the wick of an old candle. There was a lot of activity recently, more so than usual with the human holiday season starting. What once used to be a normal week in the winter now was a time full of festivity and joy. There were gifts, gatherings, parties, events, and dinners to attend. Not to mention shopping. Bastion couldn’t exactly complain about it. The entire thing really was great. He enjoyed it even. But when you work with royalty, things can get pretty extravagant which meant A LOT of social activity and a lot of threats to watch out for.
With a yawn, the buck shoved his hands deeper into his coat pockets and pushed forward a little hastier than he had been a moment before. It’s only as he passes by an extended open field that his observant eyes catch the sight of a massive gray lump in the snow. At this distance, the lump was impossible to identify, but Bastion was sure it had to be another buck. The first thought to cross his mind was one of curiosity however that was quickly replaced by one of apathy. As curious as he was, nothing would stop him from his goal of getting home as soon as possible. He had an early start tomorrow and he wasn’t going to let this curious stranger get in the way of him and what little bit of downtime he had for the night. Turning away from the image he continued on his way, hooved feet trekking down the cleared walk path one step after the other, carrying him closer to rest.
What if they need help though?
The thought forced its way to the forefront of the Arctic’s mind rather forcefully. Slapping away any selfish rebuttals that had begun to form in response.
What if they needed help or were hurt and he was walking away, leaving them there in the cold? How could he consider himself a protector if he saw a buck in need and turned a blind eye?
He couldn’t.
He stopped in his tracks, conflicted as his resolve quickly faded away. Instead, his determination to get home early was replaced with thoughts of concern and responsibility. Heaving a weighted sigh the arctic veered off the walk path that would’ve carried him straight home. Hooves crunching in the snow with each step.
The figure was several yards away from the path, in the center of a massive field that was covered in mounds of virtually untouched snow, unmoving and unidentifiable from this distance. All he could make out for certain was that it seemed fur-covered and that it was massive. It certainly was another buck that was for sure, and from what he could tell they were in their feral form. Why on earth they were out here in the middle of a snow-covered field all alone was beyond him, but you best believe he’d ask for answers.
It didn’t take too long to close the distance. Bastion was incredibly fit and while snow certainly impeded normal movement, it wasn’t much of a challenge for someone who spent a lot of time making sure he was physically capable of anything at any time.
As the gap between the bucks grew smaller the visage of the figure in the snow became clearer. It was a normal buckleo. No bigger than himself when he was in his own feral form. Their pelt a mix of greys, whites, and blacks. Head adorned by fair-sized red horns. His experienced eyes scanned their form looking for any immediate indication as to why they were lying there. Their limbs were where they were meant to be, their tail was fine, and there were no visible signs of injury or pain that he could make out. No explanation for them to be lying prone in the snow in such a way. Nothing about them seemed to be off aside from the fact that they were lying with their eyes closed, unconscious, and in the cold.
Hesitant and concerned that he’d be disturbing this complete stranger Bastion reluctantly cleared his throat in hopes to get the other’s attention. Much to his relief, that was all it took for the strange buck to “come to life” their eyes shooting open as they shifted their head in the snow to glance at the source of the noise. Icey blue eyes now staring at him expectantly. Awaiting an explanation it seemed to which Bastion awkwardly rushed to supply for fear of seeming rude.
“I uh, I saw you out here not moving and I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Which obviously, you seem to be. Sorry for disturbing you.”
The eyes blinked once. Then twice. Three times before the buck decided to make any effort to do anything other than lay there and stare. Rolling with what they made seem like a lot of effort off their side and onto their stomach, they folded their front paws under their breast like a feline does when it loafs, head raising and then shaking to shed the snow from their mane. “I’m quite alright.”, a low, resonating voice replied. Their tone sounded amused and mirthful.
Fumbling for a response Bastion stared at them a little dumbfounded at first before quickly regaining his composure. “I can see that now, I’m glad you’re all good!”, he replied smoothly. “I wasn’t sure originally because you were just laying out here and-” Before he could finish they spoke again. Completely cutting him off mid-sentence.
“I was napping.”
They said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. They didn’t sound condescending or snarky necessarily, but it felt as if it were a simple matter of fact. One he should’ve known somehow. It almost made Bastion feel stupid for not knowing. Almost. Instead, he could feel himself becoming rather annoyed at the words in general and more importantly, the fact that he was interrupted like he was. It was incredibly rude. They were not familiar in any sense and clearly, this person was either just dense (which seemed plausible) or they didn’t care much for first impressions. Not if they were going to forgo social etiquette immediately upon meeting a stranger. Especially when that stranger took the time out of their day to march out here in the flipping cold to make sure they were alright.
Bastion attempted to reel in his temper before it ran away with him. They may have come off as rude, intentionally or not, but that didn’t mean he had to be rude back. It honestly might not have been their intention either. Swallowing back the flames that wanted to breathe out in his words he instead settled on asking for an answer to satisfy his curiosity,
“You were napping in the snow?”, he asked, confusion obvious in his tone. “Pardon my asking, but why?”
A rumble came from the feral in the form of a chuckle, perhaps amused by his question. Or maybe they were laughing at him in general because his question was silly. Either way Bastion stood there expectantly, awaiting an answer as he shifted his weight from one leg to another.
“It’s quiet out here.”, they replied. “Sometimes things can get to be too loud and I need a space to be alone where it’s quiet and I can settle my thoughts.”
Their reply was surprisingly one that resonated with Bastion all too well and he found himself nodding in understanding. It wasn’t what he was expecting, but it made sense and he got it. “I can understand that.”, he hummed. “It’s nice to have some peace and quiet every once in awhile when things get crazy. I was just on my way home to do the same when I stopped to check in on you.”
Cocking their head at his words the other buck leaned their large head forward almost as if it would help them understand better or maybe they wanted to see his face more clearly, either way Bastion felt like his personal space was being invaded and he had to fight the urge to step back.
“It is very kind of you to have stopped to check-in. I appreciate the gesture greatly. Usually people leave me be. It’s nice to see someone with a healthy concern for others.”, they say with a soft nod. Their eyes stare holes into Bastion as they observe him at such close proximity.
Bastion felt suddenly very shy at the praise. It made him feel silly really. Like a child giddy about being recognized for their efforts. He rubbed at the back of his head sheepishly. “It’s just habit really. It’s my job to notice people and to concern myself with their well-being.”, he says bashfully. His words cause the other’s ears to perk up a little.
“Oh? What is it that you do?”, they ask inquisitively. Their interest peaked with Bastion’s response. It makes Bastion want to kick himself for even saying anything because if there is one thing he hates, it’s talking about himself. He doesn’t like to boast and for some reason this scenario, paired with the praise they already gave him moments ago felt like boasting.
“I’m a royal guard.”, he replies choosing to give as short an answer as possible. This response seems to be good enough as the strange buck nods their head leaning back again much to Bastion’s relief.
“Ah yes. That does make sense then.”, they hum thoughtfully. Silence carrying for a few seconds before they speak again. “ Regardless, it was still kind of YOU.” they insist, putting emphasis on Bastion as an individual. “Don’t dismiss yourself so much.”
Bastion stood there at a loss for words. Mostly because he had no idea how the frick to respond to something like that from someone he just met. It felt way too personal to be comfortable, but at the same time it felt like words he needed to hear. The way the buck spoke to him was like a teacher scoldng you in school but also uplifting you. It was weird.
He didn’t have much time to dwell on it or to form a response before both of their attention were pulled away by the form of another buck rapidly approaching them. This buck was also in their feral form. They were not much larger than the strange buck Bastion had been speaking to, but they were a lot less furry. They were silky coated, pelt predominantly black with patching of white along their underside in a form of countershading and their neck was adorned by large protruding spikes? Crystals? Gems. It was a trait Bastion had come to recognize as a feature found on earth born bucks. The ones made by humans. This buck as likely a mix seeing as it had arctic ears and Kaeraa whiskers on its maw. The sight of such a trait made Bastion naturally feel a little uneasy seeing as they were admist a war with the Kaeraa. The feral buck with the blue eyes watched the individual with a calm familiarity it seemed, so it was safe to assume they knew each other. The normal buckleo waited patiently for the mutt to speak.
“Sorry to interupt Lord Semus. I know you wished to be left alone, but the others are looking for you.”, they apologized immediately, sincerity clear in their tone. They addressed the buck before Bastion directly, not even sparing the young arctic so much as a glance. Bastion didnt know whether to be relieved or to be offended honestly, but he was more interested in that name. That name. Lord Semus. Where had he heard that before?
“It’s alright Hashirama.”, Semus replied calmly. He rose to his feet in one fluid movement, looking almost graceful. Shaking snow from his fur coat he turned to follow the mixed buck who had already turned tail and begun to bound away through the snow, but stopped and spared a look at Bastion. “It was nice meeting you-” he paused mid-sentence looking at the humanoid buck before him expectantly.
Snapping out of his thoughts Bastion replied quickly, “Bastion.”
Semus gave a smile, sharp teeth peeking through his half grin a little awkwardly as feral lips weren’t made to smile in such a way. “It was nice meeting you Bastion. Unfortunately, I have responsibilities to attend to so we will have to pick up this conversation another time. Thank you again for your kindness. I hope that you find your peace.”
He hardly gave Bastion a chance to open his mouth for a response before he was bounding away through the snow effortlessly catching up to Hashirama in no time. The two getting further and further away before they were gone out of sight altogether. Bastion stood there for a moment before shrugging to himself and turning to make his way back to the cleared walk path so he could go home. It was only getting darker and the cold was only biting that much more.
As he trudged along a yawn forced its way out of him. Bastion replayed the whole interaction in his brain shaking his head at how strange the whole thing really was. Maybe next time he should just go home honestly. He could avoid the awkward conversations and better yet, get out of the cold sooner. He sighed at the thought of being home and in his hot bath already, part of him mourning what could’ve been, the other half using it as motivation to make his feet move faster.
Eventually, he made it home, he got his hot bath, a nice warm meal, and some good restful sleep. Admittedly some of the best sleep he has had in a while. It wasn’t until the following day while he was eating lunch with Koji (his lover and charge) that he was recounting the whole experience, explaining how strange it was that he was made aware of who the hell Semus was. Lord Semus. One of only six Aoulaa Yarujai, defenders of their entire clan. Suddenly a lot of things made a whole lot more sense and the royal guard was left to feel like a complete and utter moron for not realizing sooner. How utterly embarrassing.
Bastion meets a strange buck in the snow.
Submitted By KnyteByte
for Christmas Event 2024
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago