[Chr24] A Royal Mission // The Krampus

In Events ・ By GhostWolf22
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It was an honor to be chosen by the royal family for such an important mission. Corven, Mix, Jackol and Takiri were the four bucks chosen to take the Sweei plant, a specific plant that only grew this time of year and it needed to be brought down to the spiritual water from the spirit tree for it to grow. Corven and Jackol walk on both sides of Takiri, who they had trusted to carry the plant, while Minx stayed behind them in the back.

“Is the plant doing okay?” Corven spoke before turning his gaze down at the plant that Takiri held onto carefully.

“The plant is okay Corven, just as long as we get it to the spiritual water it will be able to bloom as normal.” Takiri answered back before suddenly feeling a heavy weight on his shoulder. “Whoa! Hey! Get off me, you almost made me drop the plant Axel!” Takiri shooed Axel off his shoulder, his pet polar bavee.

Axel did an angered flap with his wings as he flew off Takiri’s shoulder and over to Corven’s shoulder instead to rest.

“I swear sometimes you’re more bonded to him then me” Takiri scoffed at his pet before hearing a chuckle come from what sounded like the whole group.

Minx looked around the area they were walking through, having an uneasy feeling inside them that they couldn’t figure out why it was there yet.Once they were now in the area to where the spirit tree would be and where the spiritual water would be, it finally hit her that nobody else seemed to be around in this seemingly often popular location. “Hey guys.. Isn’t it a little quiet around here?.. You know for such a busy spot?”

Corven looked around without moving his head around much as he took into note that Minx was right when she pointed out how empty this popular spot was.”yeah it is a bit odd-” he finally spoke up after everyone had been silent.

Even with an odd feeling, the group continued to walk towards the spirit tree as it finally started to come into view now. To their surprise nobody was around the spirit tree either as it came into view for all of them, causing the group to come to a slow stop.

Jackol, who had been pretty quiet this whole trip, suddenly looked like he was ready to take off with their wings separated a bit. Corven gently nudged Axel off his shoulder, causing him to fly over to the twin Gingerbread Shoons who had been hovering by Jackol, Shawn & Ginger. 

A low growl started from what seemed like the tree itself at first, but shortly after a long muzzle made out of just teeth and bone appeared from the side of the tree as a Krampus steps out from behind it.

Minx and Takiri gasped almost in sync while Jackol & Corven had shifted into their feral forms. Jackol took flight and took a defensive position in front of the three pets and Takiri who was nervously still holding onto the Sweei plant.

Minx finally joined the first two and shifted, coming up beside Corven who gave her a slight nod before they both ran towards the Krampus. 

Corven used his plasma breath to distract the Krampus, striking towards the Krampus’ front legs to keep its eyes more in front of it while Minx ran in from the side of it, getting an easy first strike on it as her jaws did their best to rip a wound in the creature but it was already mostly fur and bones. Minx jumped back as she wasn’t doing much damage to it and it had enough time to snap back at her, barely missing her throat.

The Krampus wasted no time in attempting to strike back at Minx, causing Corven to run in while it was now distracted with Minx, ramming himself into the Krampus’ side to throw it off balance, causing it to tumble onto the ground for a few brief moments.

A loud snarl came from the Krampus as it stood back up again, eyeing the group for a few moments before turning and running off into the nearby forest, figuring it wasn’t worth the fight anymore being heavily outnumbered but it would return later on to seek out the spirit tree once again.

Minx let out a sigh of relief, seeing the Krampus retreating for now. The both of them had shifted back to their humanoid forms after a few moments making sure it had completely gone before anything. Minx sat on the edge of the spiritual water pool while Corven only leaned against it.

“That.. was a Krampus right?.. I didn’t think I’d ever see one-“ Minx murmured to Corven quietly as she still caught her breath. “Yes it was.. I’ve only seen one once but from afar.” Corven finally spoke up after a few moments.

Jackol landed onto the ground before shifting back into his humanoid form. Quickly checking on the pets and then Takiri. Both of them and all three pets caught up quickly with Minx and Corven shortly after, checking up on each other for a few moments to make sure everyone was alright and not injured. 

Axel landed on Corven’s shoulder again, causing Takiri to let out a huff of disapproval before looking down at the plant he held onto this whole time.

Taking the few steps he had left to go, he was now standing right at the edge of the spirit tree’s spiritual water. Leaning down carefully he placed the plant down in the water, making sure it was fine on its own for a moment before letting go and sitting down on the edge of the pool of spiritual water. 

“We did it!” He suddenly cheered to let the others know they had completed their mission. Causing the group to cheer together for a moment before getting ready for their new mission in returning the plant back home again to the royals.

[Chr24] A Royal Mission // The Krampus
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In Events ・ By GhostWolf22

Hope you enjoy, I don't write often but hopefully it's alright <3

Submitted By GhostWolf22 for Christmas Event 2024
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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