[Chr24] Avalanche! Watch Out!

In Events ・ By Technosurge
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Akela and her companions traversed through the deep snow of the steep mountains they found themselves on. She and Kirsch were used to these kinds of journeys however Torben and Arven hadn’t exactly been on this type of terrain before. Torben had joined them for a few excursions previously just as a favor. Over the last few months anytime they had stopped in his home town they would get together with the large buck, and they had become quite friendly with him as time went on. Arven on the other hand was an inexperienced but eager - maybe a little too eager young buck. He could have potential if he began to listen to the people clearly more experienced and knew better people around him, or at least Akela thought so.


“Be careful around this bend,” Akela called back to the rest of the group, as per usual Kirsch and she were co-leads while pulling the sled. This was more of their prime element than the sled race they had been in with Torben and Arven when they had done their first run all together. This time around they were to deliver some medical supplies to a family a few towns over, and the rest of their team was too tired to make the trek right after coming off of a previous delivery. Torben who was never too keen to venture too far from his children instantly agreed once Akela had mentioned that this was for a family with a sickly child. Arven practically invited himself along after overhearing the details of the quest while Kirsch explained to Torben at the bar they’d met up at.


The two not quite stranger bucks had also brought their pets along with them on this adventure. Arven’s polar bavee sat atop his head and would throw a fit at any attempt to get him to rest in a more convenient spot. Akela had hoped that the younger buck would have left his little nuisance at home, but he had insisted that the creature would throw a tantrum if he had left him at home or with a sitter. Meanwhile, Torben had told them that his gingerbread shoon Sugar always provided his mind some much-needed rest with its calming properties from the candy that rained from its cloud. She hadn’t much minded the shoon, it always stayed near its owner and knew to stay out of the way when needed, the bavee however- well every buck on Ttatkor knew how truly annoying bavees could be, one day you’d wake up with twenty holes in your favorite shirt. 

The group continued to mindlessly trod along the snow-covered ice caps, hoping to make it to their destination by the evening. Though it seemed the world had other plans for them.

“Wait, stop. What’s that sound?” Kirsch spoke up, ears moving to point in the direction of the low rumbling sound.

“Mmmm…that sounds like-” Torben started but was promptly cut off.

“Avalance!!” Arven shouted out as the group could see the beginnings of snow barreling towards them.

Instantly Akela’s mind started racing, and her eyes darted around to find anything that could help them through the situation.

“Akela! There’s a branch we could hang onto over that way!” Kirsch called out and even began moving towards it, tugging at the ropes that bound them all.

“That’s too risky!” Akela had stood firm, paws planted in the ground resisting the pull of where Kirsch was headed. “That could hold just me or you but not all of us!”

“Do you have a better plan oh dear strategist?! We don’t have time for you to plan out our every move!”

“Just give me a second!” Akela’s eyes continued to rapidly scan around until her gaze landed on what looked like a cave they may be able to fit into. “Everyone follow me!” She rushed forward, only hoping that her team would trust she had found some way to keep them safe. Her paws rushed through the snow, as fast as she could muster until she reached the cold stone of the cave, now all they could do was wait until the avalanche passed.

“I’m never running with you guys again,” Torben spoke up breaking the silence.

[Chr24] Avalanche! Watch Out!
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In Events ・ By Technosurge
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Submitted By Technosurge for Christmas Event 2024
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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[[Chr24] Avalanche! Watch Out! by Technosurge (Literature)](https://buck-bunker.com/gallery/view/1669)
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