OfCr-102: Izunami

Owned by BartenderBoii

Known for her quiet and calm demeanor Lady Izunami is the hidden gem of one of the many royal families within the Aoulaa territory. Due to her impure stature, she is shunned and separated from her family and resides on a small portion of lands within her family estate. She herself still holds power as she serves as the family's main strategist and helps procure balanced laws that satisfy both the royals and common folk of her family's territory, earning her both favor with the people and power within her family's structure. 

Ever the strategist, on her small estate she allows for a free place for various Dires and Dire mixes to live within and be free to make their own choices and live how they wish. Using her own funds to purchase Dires she may hear of or find and offer them solitude under the guise of being her "bodyguards".  Though this is her most desired wish for them, she is also using them to hopefully serve as a way to overpower her current family dynamic and take control to provide a better place to live for all bucks that find themselves entering into her lands.

Though a rough upbringing and an ever-cautious mind Izunami herself is at her core a very gentle soul. She has a rich love of gardening and growing her own ingredients for making teas and other various medicinal remedies and is known to hold tea and garden viewing parties during the springtime with her various friends and "bodyguards". She often finds herself sneaking out and intermingling with the common folk during times of low surveillance from her family, and finding great joy in having fun and finding different ways to help those in need. She has a huge crush on one of her self-acclaimed bodyguards that never leaves her side, but is too scared of the consequences that may happen if she were to act on them.

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