Art Sales/Trades
- A reminder that this site is strictly SFW. Please report any posts that contain NSFW.
- Buyers and Sellers be careful. If you feel like you are being scammed we ask you to try to reach out to the individual first and sort it out amongst each other. In cases where sorting it out in private is not working we will reimburse you for the items/coins that were sent or owed. Any transactions that were made with cash, we cannot do anything about so please vet the people you commission/take commissions from! Anyone scamming will marked on a warning, we understand that sometimes people are busy or forget, and don’t mean any ill will. However, if it happens 3 times, you will be banned from selling/getting commissions within the site/discord server.
- We do not allow the selling/trading of AI art within this species. Any suspected AI art is advised to report it.
- Traced/stolen artwork is never accepted in the species. Any artwork that is referenced from other artists is required to disclose the source. Failing to do so will result in your account being banned from selling/trading commissions within the site and discord server for 3 months. We take art theft seriously and do not want our members being scammed. Transparency is all we ask. If this continues to be an issue the member will receive a ban from selling/trading artwork within the site/discord server.
- Lastly, keep it respectful.