Christmas Event 2024

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by sharkscry

Christmas event

Welcome to the first Christmas Event on Buck-Bunker!

During this event, there will be a special currency called Snowbucks
You can use Snowbucks to purchase special items in the Christmas Shop

You can obtain Snowbucks from the advent calendar, prompts, and trading.



You can do as many prompts as you want per character during the event. Each character can do each prompt once, if you use a character that has already completed the prompt with another character that has not, only the character that has yet to complete the prompt will receive the loot reward "Santa's Sack".

You earn Santa's Sack per character when completing a prompt. When using a special Christmas pet from the pet carrier you may get additional loot rewards when the character has this pet equipped and is drawn/written with said character. When you have a pet equipped, you may still obtain loot when doing prompts with a character that has already done the prompts as the pet loots are separate. 

Challenge Prompts
Are you brave enough to try out our challenge prompts?

Challenge Prompts are different than the regular event prompts, challenge prompts require a D20 dice roll to determine your success.

Characters have a stat power called 'Christmas Spirit.' All characters are granted 4 Christmas Spirit as a standard. To win a challenge, you will need to roll a 4 or lower. The more characters involved in a challenge, the better the odds.


Challenge Prompts Breakdown:

Essentially, you need to roll lower than the total amount of Christmas Spirit in your party.

EX. you have 1 character in a party = MAX 4 Christmas Spirit. 

the D20 dice rolls a 14. You lose the challenge prompt. 

The max amount of Christmas Spirit = 4 characters in a party = 16 Christmas Spirit. 

The D20 dice can roll a max of 20. Which means with a max party, you have a 16/20 (4/5) chance to win. This is a much better odd than 4/20 (1/5) with one character


During a challenge, there is a character cap of 4 per challenge. You may not use someone else's character in a challenge unless they are in your group.

All members of the group must collaborate on the challenge.

You may draw, write, role play, and or a mix of the options for all prompts including challenges.

When successfully passing a challenge prompt each character you own will receive 3 Santa's Sack and 1 Special Antlers

If you lose your challenge prompt, each character you own will receive 1 Santa's Sack

Challenge prompts do not have a limit on how many a character can do.

Artwork and Written Prompts
When submitting your prompts there is a required amount of BP the piece needs to make for it to count

(please note that Art and Literature have different multipliers that is why the amount is different)

We ask for a minimum of 40 BP worth of artwork when drawing prompts.
When writing prompts we ask for a minimum of 60BP worth of writing.

How to Submit a Prompt

Once you've completed your chosen prompt, you're going to upload it to the appropriate gallery category "Events". Make sure you select the prompt associated with it.
Fill it out as normal, Make sure if you're doing a collab that you add all participants in the participations section and list what they are taking credit for.

If you're doing a collab only 1 of you needs to post it.

Make sure to title it after the prompt so we know which one you are doing.

When submitting your prompt please make sure you:
- Add the URL link to your gallery submission where it says (URL)
- Click "Add Character" below to add the character(s) that are in this prompt
-Do not add your reward, a staff member will do that for you

Be sure to add this in the comments:
Username: (List the usernames in this prompt if you're doing a collab)
Is this a challenge?: (yes or no)

If you're submitting a challenge please see this channel link

List of prompts

  • A Hidden Holiday
    Winters can be brutal, the corrupted wilds of Earth's surface taking on a new kind of cruelty amongst the ice and snow. You find yourself wandering these wilds cold and weary and perhaps a bit more than lost. The blacks, grays, and whites of the snowy landscape blur together in the darkness of the night. That's when you see it flickers of color calling to you in the distance and you find yourself drawn to it. You stumble upon what looks to be a rickety camp, low bonfires burn tended to by fellow 'bucks. Their cheerful singing and laughter convey their high spirits as others mill about stringing up colorful lights over tents and trees. You stand at the edge of this rogue 'buck camp, watching them celebrate the holidays with fervor despite their harsh surroundings you can't help but feel a tug to join them...
  • Your First Ttatkor Christmas
    Many different traditions and practices have ingrained themselves into buckleos who have traveled or seen Earth and its customs, even going so far as to share and bring them back to Ttatkor where many natives have adopted them. One of the largest adopted Earth customs is a winter celebration, the idea of friends and family gathering together to gift and share hot food and light music a popular one to many of Ttatkor's remaining population. You, whether it was your idea or not, have decided to try one of these holidays. Bringing your own gifts or food, you invite or join friends and family. Colorful lights illuminate the cozy home you find yourself in and the smell of delicious food fills the air. Familiar faces chat and joke, some singing your clan's songs and dancing in their celebration. Whether or not this is truly a "traditional" Earthling Christmas you can't be certain, but all that matters is that everyone is enjoying themselves.
  • Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
    Burr... It's sure cold! Your caregiver is not home today,  so you look out the window, nearly falling over because you're so tiny. You see your friends playing in the snow, what are they doing? Is that a... Snowman?  Draw/write your 'Buck as a child playing in the snow.
  • You're a Mean one
    There are some naughty Polar Bavee's causing chaos in the town central of District 4, Rohshaar. Draw/write your 'Buck's response or reaction to the Polar Bavee issue.
  • Hot Cocco
    Nothing like a nice warm cup of Joe! Hey... WAIT SLOW DOWN! Ah man, another 'Buck seemed to have run into you at full speed, causing you to spill your hot cocco all over yourself, ouch!  Draw/write your 'Buck reaction/response to this event.
  • Winter Love
    As it becomes the holidays you find yourself excited about spending that time with a special someone. Draw/write a winter romance with your character and the one they love.
  • Last Christmas
    We all know the song Last Christmas by Wham! Draw/write your character to the theme of this song!
  • All I Want for Christmas
    It's tough being in a one-sided love... Maybe this year, they will notice you. Draw/write your character's feelings towards their desired love. Do they notice them?
  • Mistletoe Reetle Mishap
    As you turn -THUNK- you wind face to face with someone! As you open your eyes to look at who you've bumped into you glance up and find yourself under the mistletoe...wait doesn't that mean...
    Write/draw your buck in this encounter, who do they find there? What do they do, and how do they react?
  • Sinister Snow
    Your vision is blurred… Your feet are numb… The cold sheer wind of this never-ending blizzard makes your every breath feel like needles…Your eyelids so desperately want to close… but you look to your side and the soft encouraging smile of someone you admire warms your cheeks. You decide to will yourself to continue on. After all this journey was important to them and you can’t let them down. You grit your teeth, lean against their side, and let out a sigh of endearment. An eerie noise and moment of silence make both of your hearts drop… Something lurks in the blizzard… Draw/write your ‘Buck’s response or reaction to what lurks in the blizzard.
  • Northern Lights
    Draw/Write your character with the northern lights.
  • Winter Themes
    Draw/write your character during the winter, are they prepping for Christmas? Ice skating? Or just in a snowy environment?
  • Snowflakes
    We were all kids once, Draw/write your character as a child making snowflakes, maybe with their caregiver? or perhaps a childhood friend. Alternatively, you can draw/write your character with their kid(s) making snowflakes.
  • Cold Friendship
    It's the middle of winter and the sun is setting earlier. You can feel the cold biting your nose as your gaze glances over to a stranger in the snow, you approach unsure of what you'll find. Draw/write what happens next.
  • Invisible
    "How many nights do you lie awake in the darkest place? How many days do you shed the pain of your darker days? All I know is if happy lives a mile away a couple steps is all it takes.."
    Song link Draw/write your character to the theme of this song from the Netflix movie Klaus!
  • Winter Mission
    Up in the cold wintery desert of Alaska on Earth… you find yourself on a mission. It’s a mission you cannot fail and allow for any distractions. It will be fatiguing and you will need to train your body to endure the harsh climate of Earth’s north. It can’t be so bad with the comrades and bonds you make along the way though right? As long as your leader doesn’t catch you distracted… Draw/write your ‘Buck’s response or interaction during this grueling glacial mission.
  • Sweater weather
    Draw/write your character dressing cozy for the winter. What are they up to? Is it a date?
  • Express Crossing
    It’s a quiet winter afternoon and you’ve gone out to get some well-deserved food after a long day. You hop on a train and take it to the nearest town. A screech and sudden stop… What on earth could be going on? The ground begins to shake and you hear a stampede of feet outside the train. What on Ttatkor/Earth is that…?? You prepare yourself for what might come. (Think Polar Express...) Draw/write your ‘Buck’s response or reaction to this sudden population boost.
  • Reinbuck...?
    As you travel along through the wintry landscape, the snow keeps reaching higher and higher on your legs. The once-known clear path that had been there from the start of your journey, had now completely vanished leaving you now.. lost. As you look around, something catches your eye some type of figure of a buck standing in the horizon looking down upon you. The said figure begins to approach you, responding to your cries. But as the figure gets closer and closer, you can start to hear... bells? They ring louder as they approach you. Once the two of you meet, The buck is as pure white as snow, wearing a decorated Christmas harness with Christmas bells attached to it. But the most outstanding feature this buck has is a.. reindeer head? The white buck begins to speak in a gentle voice "You seem lost, I can help lead you out?" How do you react to this buck and/or do you take their help?
  • Christmas Adoption
    You’ve been waiting all year for this event… breeders from all over the world have gathered to show off their pristine pets. They’re not just any pets, but specially bred one-of-a-kind Christmas variants of popular pets from Ttatkor! It’s not gonna be an easy pick… There are so many personalities to choose from… Draw/write your Buck’s response or reaction to this adoption event. Who will they choose?
    You're enjoying a bright winter afternoon with someone- whether it's a friend, a family member, or maybe a lover? The sun is shining, the light snowfall all around you. It's a literal winter wonderland around the two of you- and you feel a great fondness begin to swell in your heart. Thinking of memories with this person and the past winters you've spent together. You're blissfully reminiscing about your past when... BAM! Something cold smacks you across the face- quite literally taking you out of your thoughts. You puff your cheeks in surprise, and you turn to the culprit- who is currently giggling at your reaction, while currently brandishing another freshly made snowball. Oh, it is ON!

    How does your 'Buck react to a sudden impromptu snowball fight? Are they competitive? Is their partner?

  • Glacial Drama

    You were up late and are about to go to bed… Your eyes are glazing over and you are eager to lay down. pots and glass shattering A sudden noise from the other room alerts you and you gain a sudden adrenaline burst! What could it be..?? A break-in? Sort of… A Glacial Twiwa has broken in through your window and is chasing a poor baby Bavee around your house. They're breaking your valuable belongings as they go too! Draw/write your ‘Buck’s response or reaction to this sudden invasion.
  • Finishing Touch
    It’s time for a wintery baking contest… No limitations, just that you must make the best looking and tasting wintery/holiday treat for judges from around the world to taste! No pressure! It's okay though cause you have a trusty Gingerbread Shoon to show up in the competition. The candy it makes from its cloud is rumored to have a calming/soothing effect… Is that cheating…? Well, the judges don’t need to know. Maybe you’ll use some of your Candy Cane breath as a finishing touch…? Draw/write about the delicious holiday treat that you made with your Shoon to blow the judges away!
  • Shards of Wisdom
    An ancient arctic buckleo lies in a snowy burrow deep within the mountains. His body is covered in icy shards, a sight that might be concerning to a random onlooker, but signifies intelligence to others. You peer inside out of curiosity or concern… This ice-covered buck beckons you closer. Will your ‘Buck listen to what this wise old ‘Buck has to say…? Draw/write your ‘Buck’s interaction with this old arctic buckleo.
  • Jinglebell Miracle
    A small ‘Buck coughs and sputters even in the warmth of a winter cave. The small ‘Buck's parents are nearby attempting to do everything they can to make their child feel better. They seem separated from a large group within the same cave. The poor child shivers and huddles closer to themselves by pulling their thin legs closer to their malnourished body. A few onlookers from the main group seem to be keeping a close yet worried eye on the small life from afar… Could they be worried about a contagious disease…? It’s not looking good as can be seen by the parents' distraught exchanged looks. Jingle Outside of the cave a small noise can be heard. Everyone’s ears perk up as a brightly colored cat with bells on its ears seeks shelter in the cave. It looks around and twitches its ear. The small Buck' seems to catch its eye. But what’s this…? It’s carrying a large acorn cap full of water. It trots up to the little ‘Buck and sets it in front of them to drink. The ‘Buck child stumbles as it gets up and drinks from the acorn. Moments later cold blue wings sprout from the child's back. Everyone stares in awe. Proud of its deed the Jinglebell Cat curls up next to the child and gently purrs. Draw/write your ‘Buck witnessing this miracle or being the one to have this miracle given to them.
  • Sweet Trap
    One of the hardest animals to tame has been the mischievous Frosty Vulpips that hide in the mountains of Aoembri. They can be seen pouncing on prey such as the quiet Shoon which float around the area unsuspectingly being hunted by them. They’re especially easy to trail from the candied trails that they leave on the fresh powdery snow. Maybe you can use this to your advantage to tame one of your own frosty friends. Draw/Write your buck attempting to obtain a Frosty Vulpip’s trust.


List of Challenge Prompts

  • A Royal Mission
    You were assigned a task from the head of the Royal Family in a clan of your choosing, your job is to take the Sweei plant to the spirit water as this is the only time of year they grow and require the spirit water from the spirit tree. Along the way you notice how strangely quiet it is out here... usually the spirit tree has visitors all the time, but it remains vacant. You approach slowly- RRRRRAAAAWWLL!- You freeze, looking around you, you see it. A Krampus, staring you dead in the eyes. It growls low, its bone maw snaps like a gunshot.  Draw/write your character's interaction, do they stay and try to get the water? Or do they run away?
  • Ice Caves
    You're walking in a frozen cave in search of a rare golden Polar Bavee, you heard rumors there was one in these caves. As you walk you see something in the distance, is that- RUUMMBLLEE- The ground below you caves in and you begin to fall. You land on a large pile of feathers, strange but as you get up you notice large claw marks on the icy walls, what could have made those? You try to find the exit, not knowing a massive Cave Glacier Twiwa is stalking you. Draw/write your character escaping the angry oversized Twiwa.
  • Sled Dogs
    Winter can be a brutal time in the sky cities of Earth, while for others it's the start of sled racing. Many come all over Earth just to bet on the 'Buck they think will win. Draw/write a scene around your character partaking in the sled racing, will they win?
  • Stalking in the Woods
    Every Christmas needs a Christmas tree, right? Unfortunately, as you pull out the decorations your tree seems to have seen better days. I know! How about a real one this year? You grab a few friends and equipment and trek out into the woods in search of a good tree. You search and search not quite finding the right tree. Almost ready to give up, there! That's the perfect tree! Your group hurries excitedly over to the tree, but as they begin to get ready to chop it down a soft snort is heard. You all freeze and glance nervously around searching for the source of the sound, but nothing can be seen. A shadowy figure catches your eye but by the time you turn to it, it's gone. A prickling shivering sensation runs down your spine, you're being stalked. But what is stalking you and is it friend or foe? Draw/write your character in the scene, do you figure out what it is?

  • Frozen Water
    You and your group were out on a mission sent by a Yarujai, you were to obtain Rohaara stones, these stones are hot to the touch and are used to make expensive jewelry. The instructions were clear, you were to head to Rohshaar, travel to District 2, and head to the ice caps of Clria. You are now traveling on a boat to get to the island these rocks cook on, as you're sailing on the frozen ocean your boat comes to a halt. You investigate to find that the boat is frozen in a now bed of ice. Trying not to panic you try to come up with a game plan. Draw/write about your character in this scene.
  • Guardian of the North
    Whispers of an unknown beast have been rumored amongst ‘Bucks in the Outskirts… Most ‘Bucks that survive the Outskirts are either crazy or extremely lucky… Should these sources be trusted…? After all, they’re just rumors a bored ‘Buck might be using for entertainment or to stir up trouble… Right? Despite your better judgment telling you not to look too deep into it, curiosity or maybe that sweet reward grabs you by the throat. Just to be on the safe side though you decide to take a group with you to investigate, unless you think you're ballsy enough to go alone...! Using the intel you receive from various ‘Bucks your search leads you to the far south, specifically Antarctica of Earth. It’s a long and harrowing journey with hardships along the way. When you first arrive, the weather favors you with no wind and sunny skies. However, as you climb a large mountain, the weather begins to turn. It seems like this blizzard blew in out of nowhere!! Maybe... it... did after all... You reach the peak of the mountain and two glowing blue lights glare down at you. With a huge gust of wind, the snow clears briefly to reveal a strange 'Buck with a strange dragon-like appearance. It growls, the ice-capped mountain creaks below it… Will you/your team take on this beast that you didn’t believe was real two seconds ago…? Or will you create a new sport as you/your team tumbles down the mountain…? Maybe you/your team will use your/their negotiation skills to see what angers this beast.
  • Ancient Ruins and Lost Children
    You entered the old warn-down castle from when Alphas roamed Ttakor, you're here because a child was reported missing in your hometown. Tips lead you to this abandoned ancient structure, you're looking around, the sound of old wood crushing under your feet, you hear soft whimpering. Behind a table that lays on its side you find a child, the child makes eye contact with you and jumps into your arms. As you fall over you hear a heavy sloshing sound coming from the outside. Standing up, you glance out the broken window to see large scales slither past by. Draw/write your character in this scene.
  • Avalanche! Watch Out!
    The snowy mountains are no place for the inexperienced. The harsh, steep slopes and deceptively deep snow mounds pose a challenge even to the most experienced of explorers should they so much as miss-step. You, however, are up for the challenge, experience be damned either way. You were making this journey for a reason. The peril was just part of the process. Step after step you make your way through a particularly deep patch of snow grumbling to yourself in exhaustion. Only moments later do you feel the ground shake accompanied by a steady rumbling sound that quickly grew louder and louder. You get this sinking feeling in your stomach as you turn to peer behind you. You're met with the sight of a roaring avalanche crashing down the side of the mountain you were currently traversing... It's quickly growing and gaining speed, headed right for you! With little to no time to respond, you turn and scan your surroundings, looking for something, anything you can use to help you from your rapidly impending doom. How do you plan to evade the raging masses of snow barreling toward you? Write/Draw your 'Buck's response.

  • Night Terror
    You wake up chained to a wall, looking around you see an open door. You don't know where you are or how you got here. You look up to see there is no roof, just an exposed winter night sky.  You hear some chatter from outside the room you're being held in. Humans, you hear them talking about you, followed by the word "fight", you pull on your chains which alert the humans from outside. They enter the room, behind them a Night Plague stands tall, its eyes blue and piercing. The humans step aside and let the Night Plague approach you, its gaze changes from you to the other 'Buck that is chained next to you, you didn't realize they were there. The Night Plague walks up to the other 'Buck and curls its lips back, lunging forward as if to bite the other chained 'buck, but instead snaps its jaws inches from their face before passing you a devious grin, it then inhales and breathes an icy cold breath onto the chained 'buck, freezing it solid, it walks away, its tail whips and shatters the frozen 'buck into fleshy shards. Draw/write your character in this scene.
  • Frozen Beliefs
    Lost and alone a wandering mother desperately tries to escape the clutches of the Kaeraa hunting her. In a desperate attempt to lose her perpetrators, she risks it by going deep into a densely wooded forest. This forest is not easily navigated but would be perfect in a situation like this. Especially with the weather worsening, the snow hits like bullets and vision is little to none. Exhausted and wounded, she finally finds a place to rest underneath a large tree. Not entirely sure, but hopeful she’s escaped. However, she’s not alone… she’s expecting… It’s here where she has her child, while not ideal it’s safe. She fights to keep her eyes open and to keep her little one warm. She smiles painfully before her last breath escapes her in the form of an icy wisp. Despite her best efforts, the baby is stillborn… A horrible end to such a brave story…! A moment later an entity pure of light and gentle as snowy down approaches the horrific scene. The entity takes pity on the child and breathes life back into it… forever changing the child's life. The child’s fur is tinted blue and its horns become icicles. Its unopened eyes are blessed with a snowflake pupil to match its frozen icicle heart. A tiny breath escapes its lungs as the entity smiles and disappears in the wind. Not before you/your group grabs a glimpse of the entity fading into the blizzard. They spot the child in the burrow and hold their breaths at the sight of the deceased mother… This child is peculiar though… Something you/your group has never seen before… How do/do you/your group react to this scene…? What do they think of the child? Do they have friendly intent? What are their beliefs on the entity they may have seen…?

  • Season of Fangs and Spikes
    You/your group has been trailing after mysterious tracks in the snow… But with the constant blowing wind and blazing sun, the tracks are hard to distinguish or even find sometimes with the ever-changing weather. Hope seems lost for your group to track down this ever-eluding group of creatures. Lucky for you there are a few distinguishable marks that allow you to track this migration. Some trees seem to have claws or possibly spikes scrapped into them… You/Your group knows they’re fresh due to the sap freshly leaking out of the trees. It’s looking good for your group. Night eventually falls, however… making you/your group panic… The crunching of snow and cracking of branches can be heard all around you/your group… You’re surrounded by the infamous cursed Stone of the Prehistoric 'Bucks… What will you/your group do…? Will you turn tail and run…? Will you attempt to find out if these bucks can shift back to their more negotiable forms…? Or will you take your chances and run…!

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