mecha Leobucks
Mecha Leobucks can only be made during the year 4113 up until the war with Hunter ends
Mecha Leobucks have no free will and are controlled by Hunter
All mecha Leobucks are shut down after the war with Hunter
Their free will had been permanently stripped away from them, so shutting them down and finally laying them all to rest was the best option
Mecha Lycanbucks
Mecha Lycanbucks are made during the year 4119 and after
Mecha Lycanbucks, unlike Leobucks, were not stripped of their conscious and were controlled up until the war with Hunter ended
Mecha Lycanbucks were freed from being controlled and were able to live after unlike Leobucks
mecha Vulkitbucks
All Vulkitbucks were made after the war with Hunter during the year 4130 so their purpose was less significant
Mecha Vulkitbucks were made for the aesthetic or to be used similarly to 'prosthetic'