
Clan Protectors

Clans are separated into districts, Yarujai run & maintain these districts with other 'bucks they select to work closely with them as well as main royal families.
Yarujai get their mark, which gives them their powers, via magical trees. Each clan has its own tree that blesses the Yarujai with their abilities. Most Buckleos are unable to withstand this power which is why only a select few are chosen to be Yarujai.
➙Yarujai are the clan's protectors and help direct the clans
➙Most Yarujai are chosen at birth by the previous Yarujai and are given the mark of the Yarujai
➙Some can become Yarujai spontaneously through determination but it is extremely rare for this to occur
➙The mark makes this Skaejai incredibly strong with abilities far greater than a normal Skaejai. Each clan has specific abilities only a Yarujai can do.