Trade and Sell

this Forum is for looking for / seeking out 'Buck trades, or offering non-bucks for 'Buck trades, items, etc. please refer to the more detailed rules below please note that people are not obligated to trade / resell to you, please don't take such things personally ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ please make sure you’re willing to part with a 'buck or MYO before putting them up for offers. Entertaining Offers is OK but please be clear about that when you accept an offer to trade or resell a buck details are to be worked out between the two participants. If looking to cancel a trade, details must be worked out between the participants as well unless it involves someone attempting to scam (ex. you sending the money and then them saying never mind they don’t wanna resell that character) you may seek non-buck related things as long as what you’re offering in return is buck-related stuff you my offer non-buck related things as long as you’re seeking buck-related stuff all 'bucks MUST be submitted and uploaded on the database / uploaded on the website before trading or making a forum these forums are for serious offers only. you are allowed to post tentative trades but please be clear/upfront about it no guilt-tripping or pressuring people to trade. no one is obligated to trade you you cannot trade unapproved MYO designs, all designs must be submitted and approved first through the database or approved on the website before being put up for offers you cannot sell MYOs, items, or premades you got in a trade (this includes raffle/gifted things) you can resell anything you bought yourself for the exact original purchase price or less, you cannot resell them for more (unless it has extra commissioned art adding to the value, those have to get officially appraised) all premade ‘bucks that you resell must first be appraised. this is to prevent price inflation & scamming. this goes for selling what you bought them for, for commissioned art, etc. you must get 'bucks officially appraised for resale by submitting a ticket in ⁠appraisal-tickets in the discord or messaging the mods here. all 'bucks that you are reselling MUST have proof of appraisal attached or in their TH galleries you may seek vouchers, which is having someone buy something in return for a 'buck you are trading. money must NEVER come in contact directly with the person who is trading. it goes through a third party ONLY. if seeking vouchers, please be upfront about the worth of 'bucks you are trading. you may seek vouchers that are higher in worth for the 'buck you are trading, but please be upfront about it
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