Hello hello! I have two listings to make in this post.
Method: Sell
Buck: https://toyhou.se/8694022.tbn
ISO: Either $300 upfront, or $500 with $200 upfront and a 2 week payment plan. If he is not sold/pending within a week then I will be removing him from this post. I'm only looking to sell to acquire funds to start my new business.
Method: Trade
Bucks: https://toyhou.se/22118894.adorabelle
https://toyhou.se/8150347.tbn (tent)
Items: Piebald x1
Cool blueberries x2
Shimmering strawberry x1
Alt ears x1
Plasma breath core x1
Evergreen x1
Dual wielding x1
Frosty vulpip (pet) x1
Gingerbread shoon (pet) x1
MYOs: Event Exclusive Mutt MYO
ISO: I am wanting to trade all of the bucks, items, and MYO listed. I am looking to trade multiple or all on my end, as I want to own less characters and am no longer breeding most of my bucks atm. If I am offered a true dreamie and someone wants the whole lot, I would agree to trade ALL of it, including tent premades, for that one premade. For bucks that I would use more but are not dreamies, I will not trade the whole lot- only part of it and some will be tentative (marked). I will be quite picky.
Contact: I'd prefer offers to be in this forum, but everyone can reach me through either Buck bunker DMs, discord (if you have my discord still), or toyhouse. Nomho has also posted the buck for sale on Discord for me, since I am not in the server.