<a href="https://buck-bunker.com/world/items?name=Korak Cat" class="display-item">Korak Cat</a>

Korak Cat

Category: Pets

Korak Cat

Korak Cats are fearsome and mysterious. They tend to be more aloof and hard to bond with. They make great companions with someone who wants a challenge.

The Korak cat is rumored to be as old as alphas themselves. Not much is known about them as they are more of a feral cat that is not too fond of 'Bucks. It takes a lot of trust-building for a Korak to even consider you as its friend let alone owner. Many believe the Korak cat was born from fire... but that sounds like a superstition.



-Raid loot drops for any completed Lore Encounter prompts when equipped (As a bonus loot to the loot you already receive)


How to obtain:

-Drops from Lore Encounters Raid