


What are they?

Leobucks are the US subspecies


They have the appearance of a big cat with bunny ears, cat/rabbit feet, a deer-like nose, goat legs, and a variety of horns and tails

➙One of the more common traits amongst Leobucks is their bell(s), but not all of them have bells.

➙Leobucks have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features


Leobucks are actually born from an egg as humanoids and are not bound to a feral appearance

➙Their humanoid forms should have 4 claw-like fingers on their reference (for normal art pieces you can draw them normal fingers if you wish)

➙They have digitigrade legs with fur that starts from the waist down, it can also start from the thigh down

➙ Chasmic flames, Ghost flames, and Mechas are all Leobuck series that can NOT have humanoid forms



what are they?

Lycanbucks are the UK subspecies


They have the appearance of a bunny, wolf, goat, and deer. With a variety of different tail and horn types

➙They still have rabbit-like ears however they’re more skinny than Leobucks and come to a point rather than being rounded

➙Lycanbucks have a square-shaped nose

➙Lycanbucks, unlike Leobucks, can be born in both their human and feral forms


➙They can be born in two ways, through an egg (when lab-created) or from birth (through breeding)

➙When lab-created they hatch from eggs and are in humanoid form

➙When born through breeding they will be born in whatever form the mother is in when giving birth

➙Their humanoid forms should have 4 claw-like fingers on their reference (for normal art pieces you can draw them with normal fingers if you wish)

➙They have digitigrade legs with fur that starts from the waist down, or from the upper thigh

➙Mechas can NOT have humanoid forms




what are they?

Vulkits are the Asian subspecies


They have a more fox-like appearance and have similar traits to lycanbucks but are smaller in size

➙They have hooves shaped like horses

➙They have square shape noses


➙They can be born in two ways, through an egg (when lab-created) or from birth (through breeding)

➙When lab-created they hatch from eggs and are in humanoid form

➙When born through breeding they will be born in whatever form the mother is in when giving birth

➙Their humanoid forms should have 4 claw-like fingers on their reference (for normal art pieces you can draw them normal fingers if you wish)

➙They have digitigrade legs with fur that starts from the waist down, or from the upper thigh

➙Mechas can NOT have humanoid forms



what are they?

Skaejai, commonly known as Buckleo, are an alien race from a different planet

Buckleos DNA was used within all the man-made ‘bucks and is very important to lore

➙Most Buckleos belong to a specific clan from their home planet, to learn about Buckleo clans and their home planet check out this page


➙They have a canine head and snout, a rabbit nose, rabbit ears, big cat front legs & deer back legs


➙Their humanoid forms should have paw-like hands, with fur that travels up to their elbows

➙They have digitigrade legs with fur that starts from the waist down, or from the upper thigh

➙Buckleos have the ability to appear fully human for periods of time




what are they?

Alibucks are a Canadian subspecies that failed and have a more alien-like appearance


Ferals have the appearance of a very mutated Leobuck

➙ Ferals have many defining features, such as any type of antenna on their head, even made-up ones



Alibucks have a rather different humanoid form compared to other ‘bucks

➙Antennas, pointed elf-like ears, scales on the arms, 3 dragon-like toes, 4 claw-like fingers, star-like pupils, eye markings, legs that can be either smooth or furry, feathers that mix in with the hair (if male)


Alibucks have unique ways of communicating. Which may range from deep hums that resonate in the water to chattering which is not only used when hunting, but is also a sound of affection made when greeting loved ones


Alibucks are semi-feral, they do not trust humans or any other species for that matter. They grew up only knowing their kind, some however branched out into other countries and live amongst others



what are they?

This species is a hybrid species of Leobucks and Lycanbuck, creating a hyena appearance

Lyobucks are a cross between Leobuck and Lycanbucks, they have hyena-like anatomy

➙Lyobucks have the appearance of a bunny, hyena, goat, and deer, with a variety of different tail and horn types

➙Lyobucks have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features


➙Their humanoid forms should have 4 claw-like fingers on their reference (for normal art pieces you can draw them normal fingers if you wish)

➙They have digitigrade legs with fur that starts from the waist down, or from the upper thigh

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