<a href="https://buck-bunker.com/world/items?name=Polar Bavee" class="display-item">Polar Bavee</a>

Polar Bavee

Category: Pets

Polar Bavee

Bavees are territorial flying critters that live in large colonies in the dark woods of Rohshaar. Bavees are Rohshaar's national animal as they populate a large chunk of their dense forests. Polar Bavees are often located in the northern mountains where the temperatures are more fridged year-long. Rohsaar is known for having the tallest mountains in Ttakor, with Mt Rashair being the tallest. Polar Bavees are wilder as not many 'Bucks travel up the mountains for them to be socialized with 'Bucks. When brought down from the northern mountains, Polar Bavees form strong bonds with one 'Buck and tend to be overly possessive of that 'Buck, they tend to get angry when their owner gives another pet or 'Buck too much attention and will attack their owner and or other pet. With proper socializing and training a Polar Bavee can be a fun and great pet to own.
Note: Polar Bavees like to sleep on your head and eat holes in your clothes.
Size: roughly the size of Earth's dog breed, Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
Weight: 35-50 LBS
Lifespan: 17-20 years
Diet: Omnivour, prefers sheewi berries

Benefits: Drops Santa's Sack when completing Christmas prompts during the Christmas Event when this pet is equipped

How to obtain: Drops from the Christmas Pet Carrier