Mistletoe Reetle
Category: Pets
Fast and charming, the Mistletoe Reetle is a gentle little critter that loves to hang in the door frames and pretends to be a mistletoe for 2 unexpecting 'Bucks, coaxing them into sharing a kiss. After a successful pairing, the Mistletoe Reetle will make exciting clicking noises before scurrying off to the next couple. Reetles are no bigger than a guinea pig and are typically sweet-natured. The Mistletoe Reetle is a charmer and loves to posture at their 'Buck companions whenever they feel super happy and in a good mood. Their posturing is when they wiggle back and forth on their 6 legs as if they're dancing, they may also let out squeaking clicks.
If you're looking for a love bug, who will try to set you up, adopt a Mistletoe Reetle.
Size: 8-9in long
Weight: 4-6 LBS
Lifespan: 5-9 years
Diet: Omnivore, prefers eggs
Benefits: Drops Santa's Sack when completing Christmas Prompts during the Christmas event when this pet is equipped.
How to obtain: Drops from the Christmas Pet Carrier