
<a href=" Dog" class="display-item">Shelent Dog</a>

Shelent Dog

Category: Pets

Shelent dog

Shelent Dogs are known in Ttakor as the "luck hounds". They will make a great companion for anyone who needs a little luck in their life.

Shelent was an accidental breeding of the Shelie Dog and the Vavent Dog! A breeder of the Shelie Dog was at a show ring with their Shelie when an oopsie happened with a competitor's Vavent Dog. After seeing how these alien pooches brought their owner's great fortune, the breed crossbreed became very popular amongst dog breeding and showing communities. Shelent Dogs became a staple and thrived in today's society in Ttakor.



-Drops a Lucky loot box after completing Lore Encounters Prompts


How to Obtain:

-Drops from Lore Encounters 6-man prompt

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