Frozen Heart D (Event Exclusive)
Frozen heart
R= Recessive
D = Dominant
Frozen Heart happens when a child is born in winter under a full moon. It's rumored that this phenomenon started a long time ago when Alphas were the dominant race. They say an expecting parent died while trying to seek shelter from the blizzard, but didn't make it. The parent and child were both dead, however, an entity approached the scene and breathed life back into the child, forever changing its appearance. Now when a child is born with these same gene mutations, many believe it's the entity saving that child's life as it would have been born dead. But no one knows that.
It's not known why this happens to children, but they end up becoming sensitive to hotter weather and, in severe cases, becoming ill and possibly dying of heat stroke.
Frozen heart causes the fur to appear white with ice-blue tinting on the joints/bony surfaces and skin. (Genos should still have their chosen colors from the parent's palettes on the ref for color count as Frozen heart does not count for color count)
Frozen heart affects the eyes, hooves, claws, nose, inner ears, tongue, gums, and any other flesh parts, causing them to be a shade of blue.
Frozen Heart gives the buck a snowflake-shaped pupil.
Horns become icicle horns, on a genos they will be the same shape as the parents but should still look like an icicle (water dripping is allowed).
Frozen Heart causes an icicle spike wall on the chest protecting its artificial spirit heart.
Frozen Heart is a Mutation Trait gene, meaning it can only be obtained through breeding. Unlike other mutation traits, Frozen Heart requires 2 copies of the Dominant gene to successfully pass.
R + R = No Frozen Heart gene
R + D = No Frozen Heart gene, but the buck is a carrier
D + D = Frozen Heart gene