Normal Leobuck (Normal)
Normal Leobuck
"The formula, the base, the start. Inherently lacking any
spectacular quirks like other rarities, yet useful nonetheless.
Normal leobucks made good foot soldiers for the work that needed to be done.
Their plainness shouldn't be taken for complacency, however."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
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Winged Guardian (Rare)
Winged Guardian
"The gift of flight, one of natures most useful tools and one that the LDC
harnessed in their attempts to fight an uncertain war. Trained like many other rarities as soldiers,
yet for how long can you keep this bird caged before it seeks to stretch its wings?"
➙ Large pair of wings that can be either feathered or webbed
➙Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
➙ Vestigal wings
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Cupid Winged Guardian (Rare)
Cupid Winged Guardian
"For the one who dared to fly away, a correction was made and an error rectified.
The gift of flight shall be from henceforth managed with simple glides along the wind.
Thus, the cupid winged guardians were born unable to harness true flight
due to their predecessors actions."
➙ Vestigal wings that can be either feathered or webbed
➙Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
➙ Vestigal wings
*image tba*
DreamRider (Rare)
"These will be the mounts, the tanks, the carriers for the war.
Fashioned with armored saddles and gear and trained to stand their ground,
this rarity was trained to carry others into battle and be a force to be reckoned with."
➙ Standing large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet with claws
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Saddle armor
Saddle armor
➙ Saddles and their armor can be made of a variety of materials some more unorthadox ones allowed are:
Mechanical, Phantom, Elemental
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Armorless DreamRider (Rare)
Armorless Dreamrider
"Potential entertainment was seen in dreamriders, so a recreational version of the rarity made.
Lacking the armor, armorless dreamriders are fast and quick often being used
for races and other rodeo-styled sports. The spaces they thrived in exciting
and adrenaline filled. Being trained extensively to out race and out manevour their
opponents at the benefit of their masters.
➙ Standing large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet with claws
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙Square-shaped nose

➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Aquatic Gem (Rare)
Aquatic gems
"Fluid and graceful like the animals that inspired them, this rarity became prized
for the showmanship and beauty it possessed. No expense wasted,
trained and groomed to be the perfect example they can be.
The most beautiful, the most elegant-
or risk failure and the consequences that could entail."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy bunny ears with webbing at the ends
➙ Goat hooved front legs and webbed alligator-like back feet
➙ Coral horns from a real coral species
➙ Aquatic or semi-aquatic tails from real animals
➙ Gems of any color and shape on the body
➙ Square-shaped nose
feet anatomy
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Sun Gem (Rare)
Sun Gem
" Exotic and almost rugged in their reptilian-like nature, sun gems found
a unique niche amongst showmanship. Trained to perfection to be the best they can
during show time and groomed into tiptop condition.
Their job to wow and entertain, failure wasn't an option."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy rabbit ears with claw-like ends
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Cactus horns from a real cactus species
➙ Reptile tails from a real reptilian species
➙ Gems of any color and shape on the body
➙ Square-shaped nose
feet anatomy
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Brawler (Rare)
"Boredom and money inspire many humans into cruelty.
The brawlers were born out of a need to feed this insatiable boredom.
Violence to them was the solution, and underground fighting pits where they watch
brutal slaughters at the hands of these killing machines their answer."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Smaller than other leobucks
➙ Cropped rabbit ears
➙ Saber fangs
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large clawed rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and docked tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Collars or chains, cannot have bells
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Mecha Leobuck (Exclusive)
Mecha Leobucks
that they never- ever- get caught. Because this, this is what awaits them.
Complete and utter servitude."
All mecha leobucks have the same mechanical parts, there is no variation
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Mechanical and glass-encased plasma goat hooved front legs
➙ Glass-encased plasma horns
➙Plasma color is up to you
➙ Long thin mechanical tail with a plug at the end
➙ Mechanical bottom job, right eye, and top of head.
➙ Mechanical plate on hindquarters
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ No bells allowed

Primal (Rare)
"Forged of fire, those who rebelled at the crueltey towards bucks needed a protector
and the rogues brave enough to flee needed a savior.
So the B.R.A. acted and thus the primals rose and took flight."
All primals have a fire breath core baseline
➙ Big cat-like face and long eastern dragon-like body
➙ Large upright fluffy ears with fur tufts on pointed tips
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large feet with dragon-like toes
➙ Any kind of horns and long tails
➙ A pair of long thin whiskers
➙ Lava-like texured core tarting from throat and ending either at the chest or belly
➙ Whiskers, core, and fire must be the same singular color
➙ Square-shaped nose
*image tba*
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
➙ Visible lava-like textured core core
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Chasmic Flame (Exclusive)
Chasmic Flame
"A secret experiment gone awry, these unstable and highly volatile leobucks
wrecked havoc on their creators and escaped into the world..."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Neon flames on ear tips, along back, tail, and along the back of legs
➙ Cannot have bells, can turn flames on and off
tba image
No Humanoid Form
Ghost Flame (Exclusive)
Ghost Flame
"A secret experiment that ended not in the way their creators wanted,
docile and friendliness make for poor weapons after all.
Their kindness didn't extend towards their creators, however, when hell broke loose."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy large bunny ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Pastel flames on ear tips, along back, tail, and along the back of legs
➙ Cannot have bells, can turn flames on and off
tba image
No Humanoid Form
Snowracer (Rare)
"An age old tradition, unnessecary with technological advancements but a sport many enjoy.
Snowracers became the powerhouses able to pull sleds and their riders through snow and blizzards.
Sporting events were held with these leobucks pulling the leads.
High stakes lead to high rewards, likewise to potentially life-threatening failures."
➙ Big cat-like face and body shape
➙ Large bunny ears with one upright and one floppy
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large clawed rabbit/cat mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Any kind of harness
➙ Square-shaped nose
*image tba*
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
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Beta (Mod Exclusive)
➙Only moderators can obtain this buck
➙Beta’s have bent-over floppy ears, large spike-plated armor, dragon toes, and long whiskers
“Beta Leobucks are also known as the “Tanks”, they are the largest type of leobuck, dwarfing the normal leobucks by a lot!”
➙Leobucks have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features