Normal Lycanbuck (Normal)
Normal Lycanbuck
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy and skinny bunny ears that end in a point
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/wolf mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Avian Defender (Rare)
Avian Defender
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy and skinny bunny ears that end in a point
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/wolf mixed back feet
➙ Vestigal feathered wings
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
➙ Vestigal feathered wings
*image tba*
Paladin (Rare)
➙ Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Standing skinny rabbit ears that fold forward ending in a point
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large clawed rabbit/wolf mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Any armor
➙ Armor can have any design and can be made of a variety of materials some more unorthadox ones allowed are:
Mechanical, Phantom, Elemental
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Bearing Blitzer (Rare)
Bearing Blitzer
➙ Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Standing skinny rabbit ears that fold forward ending in a point
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large clawed rabbit/wolf mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Any kind of harness
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Pacific Lotus (Rare)
Pacific Lotus
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy bunny ears that are webbed at the end
➙ Goat hooved front legs and webbed alligator-like back feet
➙ Flower horns, doesn't have to be a real flower
➙ Aquatic or semi-aquatic tails from real animals
➙ Gems of any color and shape on the body
➙ Square-shaped nose
Feet Anatomy
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Desert Lotus (Rare)
Desert Lotus
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy bunny ears that are clawed at the end
➙ Goat hooved front legs and webbed alligator-like back feet
➙ Flower horns, doesn't have to be a real flower
➙ Reptile tails from real animals
➙ Gems of any color and shape on the body
➙ Square-shaped nose
Feet Anatomy
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Terror (Rare)
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Cropped rabbit ears
➙ Saber fangs
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large clawed rabbit/wolf mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and docked tails
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ Smaller than average lycanbuck
➙ Collars or chains, cannot have bells
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Mecha Lycanbuck (Exclusive)
Mecha Lycanbuck
All mecha leobucks have the same mechanical parts, there is no variation
➙ Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Mechanical and glass-encased plasma goat hooved front legs, rabbit/wolf back legs
➙ Glass-encased plasma horns
➙Plasma color is up to you
➙ Long thin mechanical tail with a plug at the end
➙ Mechanical bottom job, left eye, and top of head.
➙ Mechanical plate on hindquarters
➙ Square-shaped nose
➙ No bells allowed

No Humanoid Form
Avian Destroyer (Exclusive)
Avian Destroyers
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Floppy and skinny bunny ears that end in a point
➙ Goat hooved front legs and large rabbit/wolf mixed back feet
➙ Any kind of horns and tails
➙ Vestigal bat wings
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
➙ Vestigal bat wings
*image tba*
Night Plague (Exclusive)
Night Plagues
➙Wolf-like face and body shape
➙ Large and long ridged ears ending in sharp points, no smooth edges and no hair inside of ears
➙ Goat hooved front legs and back feet with dragon-like toes
➙ Skinny whip-like tails
➙ Any kind of horns
➙Square-shaped nose
➙ Furred back legs reaching to the hip or thighs
➙ Four claw-like fingers
➙ They keep their ears, horns, and tails
*image tba*
Seraph (Exclusive)
➙ Seraphs have long noodle-like bodies. In order for proportions to make sense with their noodle bodies, keep the head smaller than the feet. If you make the head too large it will look more like a regular-length neck than a longer one
➙Seraphs have long skinny bunny ears that come to a point, they should not thicken out towards the tip
➙Seraph wings are feathered (seraphs have a counterpart called Seraph X that have bat wings)
➙They have 4 dragon-like toes with a dew claw & NO paw pads
➙Long skinny tails, no extra tail modifications are allowed (Ex: Tuffs at the end)
➙2 pairs of wings (4 in total) These wings are of medium length since the Seraph does use them for flight
➙Seraphs have scales under their eyes
➙Seraphs cannot breathe fire naturally and will need to steal cores (an item) & unlike other series Seraphs can hold 2 cores
➙Light Halos are weapons they can summon while in combat. These halos have little spikes coming off of them. Halos can be anywhere on the body, they can be of any size, amount, and color
➙Feathers on the front arms are all the same size
➙They have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features
Seraphs can hold 2 breath cores
➙Fire x Fire | Fire x Ice | Fire x Plasma | Ice x Fire | Ice x Plasma | Plasma x Plasma | Plasma x Fire | Plasma x Ice
➙When holding 2 cores the Seraph can breathe them individually or at the same time
➙Both cores can be passed down through breeding (But not double breathe)
Why can 2 of them carry the same breath but ice cannot?
You can have 2 different color breaths of fire and plasma while you cannot with ice
seraph voice
➙Seraphs have a special marking pattern called “Seraph’s Voice”
➙These markings can cover the whole body or portions of the body and are made up of sharp lines and circles. They tattoo the pelt of all seraphs. These markings identify Seraphs and are used as the source of their energy. If a Seraph is holding 1 or 2 breath cores, their tattoos will light up as the energy is being drawn from them. (These tattoos are what allows the Seraph to hold 2 cores)
Seraph Voice Examples and Limitations
➙This is the general range for Seraph’s Voice
Blue- Average Coverage | Light Blue- Minimum Coverage | Dark Blue- Max Coverage
➙Minimum Coverage (Light Blue) - These 4 points are your limitations on the least amount of coverage you can do. It does not need to fill the whole space but cannot be super tiny. You may hit all 4 points or 3 points
➙Hooves, eyes, horns and claws are are NOT affected by the tattooing
➙ When using striping as a tattoo, it must be solid straight lines, tiger stripes and uneven stripes are NOT allowed
➙The strips can flow with the anatomy
➙ Circle tattooing can be filled in by color, however, only the visible outlining tattoo will glow when a Seraph uses its core breathes
➙This is a visual on 'ticking' the circle tattooing
➙ Circle tattooing must be readable & leopard patterning is NOT allowed as tattooing. Circles can be smaller but will require ticking
➙An example of circles and lines being used together, this is called Symboling. Seraph’s Voice can be made up of just Circles, Striping, or Symboling.
➙Large tattooing is allowed, this is an example of large symboling
➙Example of Minimum coverage. In this example, you can see the line tattooing is small but still shown as visible ticking. You can also see small circles with ticking as well at the 4 points being used.
➙The tattoo can go outside on the minimum coverage
➙Pelt of the Seraph can be of any color and pattern
➙The Seraph’s Voice is the only marking that needs to be present. You can still do leopard spots and tiger stripes as long as the tattooing is there somewhere on the body
On Base designs
off base designs
humanoid designs
Seraph X (Exclusive)
Seraph x
➙ Seraphs have long noodle-like bodies. In order for proportions to make sense with their noodle bodies, keep the head smaller than the feet. If you make the head too large it will look more like a regular-length neck than a longer one
➙Seraphs have long skinny bunny ears that come to a point, they should not thicken out towards the tip
➙Seraph X have bat wings unlike Seraphs feathered wings
➙They have 4 dragon-like toes with a dew claw & NO paw pads
➙Long skinny tails, no extra tail modifications are allowed (Ex: Tuffs at the end)
➙2 pairs of wings (4 in total) These wings are of medium length since the Seraph does use them for flight
➙Seraphs have scales under their eyes
➙Seraphs cannot breathe fire naturally and will need to steal cores (an item) & unlike other series Seraphs can hold 2 cores
➙Light Halos are weapons they can summon while in combat. These halos have little spikes coming off of them. Halos can be anywhere on the body, they can be of any size, amount, and color
➙Feathers on the front arms are all the same size
➙They have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features
Seraphs can hold 2 breath cores
➙Fire x Fire | Fire x Ice | Fire x Plasma | Ice x Fire | Ice x Plasma | Plasma x Plasma | Plasma x Fire | Plasma x Ice
➙When holding 2 cores the Seraph can breathe them individually or at the same time
➙Both cores can be passed down through breeding (But not double breathe)
Why can 2 of them carry the same breath but ice cannot?
You can have 2 different color breaths of fire and plasma while you cannot with ice
seraph voice
➙Seraphs have a special marking pattern called “Seraph’s Voice”
➙These markings can cover the whole body or portions of the body and are made up of sharp lines and circles. They tattoo the pelt of all seraphs. These markings identify Seraphs and are used as the source of their energy. If a Seraph is holding 1 or 2 breath cores, their tattoos will light up as the energy is being drawn from them. (These tattoos are what allows the Seraph to hold 2 cores)
Seraph Voice Examples and Limitations
➙This is the general range for Seraph’s Voice
Blue- Average Coverage | Light Blue- Minimum Coverage | Dark Blue- Max Coverage
➙Minimum Coverage (Light Blue) - These 4 points are your limitations on the least amount of coverage you can do. It does not need to fill the whole space but cannot be super tiny. You may hit all 4 points or 3 points
➙Hooves, eyes, horns and claws are are NOT affected by the tattooing
➙ When using striping as a tattoo, it must be solid straight lines, tiger stripes and uneven stripes are NOT allowed
➙The strips can flow with the anatomy
➙ Circle tattooing can be filled in by color, however, only the visible outlining tattoo will glow when a Seraph uses its core breathes
➙This is a visual on 'ticking' the circle tattooing
➙ Circle tattooing must be readable & leopard patterning is NOT allowed as tattooing. Circles can be smaller but will require ticking
➙An example of circles and lines being used together, this is called Symboling. Seraph’s Voice can be made up of just Circles, Striping, or Symboling.
➙Large tattooing is allowed, this is an example of large symboling
➙Example of Minimum coverage. In this example, you can see the line tattooing is small but still shown as visible ticking. You can also see small circles with ticking as well at the 4 points being used.
➙The tattoo can go outside on the minimum coverage
➙Pelt of the Seraph can be of any color and pattern
➙The Seraph’s Voice is the only marking that needs to be present. You can still do leopard spots and tiger stripes as long as the tattooing is there somewhere on the body
On Base designs
off base designs
humanoid designs
Sentinel (Event Exclusive)
Sentinel Lycanbucks
➙ Dog like muzzles resembling bully breeds, BMDs
➙ Dog-like floppy ears
➙ Long tusks that come from top-back of the mouth
➙ Dark scleras (whites in the eyes)
➙ Mountain goat front hooves (like artic hooves) and claws on back paws
➙ 1 pair of small wings on the elbows and 3 pairs of small wings on the thighs/back legs
➙ Any tail
➙ Armor and Halos with an eye in the center.
➙ Broken Halos have no eye in the center and appear broken in some way, they are followed with a specific "broken trait" depending on what clan they are from.
Broken Halos
➙ Aoulaa
➙ Hossa
➙ Rohroa
➙ Ttemborem
➙ Zulaarak