
Paladin (Rare)

Category: Rarity
Species: Lycanbuck
➙Paladins have folded ears, visible back claws, and armor
➙An item called Camouflage can be added to hide the armor
“Paladins, often seen in their suits of armor, are large gladiator-like warriors. Unlike the Dreamriders and Armorless Dreamriders, they do not carry riders on their backs or race. Instead, they are pitted against large animals such as elephants, rhinos, and other ferocious beasts. Sometimes paired in groups they are sent into an arena where these battles take place and are watched for sport.”
➙They have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features
Armor Guide
Mechanical Armor- Mechanical limbs are not allowed on any buck, but Paladins may have mechanical armor, whether it be cyberpunk or steampunk
Phantom Armor- Paladins can have see-through or phantom-like armor
Elemental Cloaks- Any sort of elemental armor is allowed such as fire, thunder, etc.
On Base designs


off base designs


humanoid designs


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