
Normal Leobuck (Normal)

Category: Rarity
Species: Leobuck
Normal Leobuck

➙Your normal standard Leobuck
➙They have the appearance of a big cat with bunny ears, cat/rabbit feet, a deer-like nose, goat legs, and a variety of horns and tails
➙One of the more common traits amongst Leobucks are their bell(s), but not all of them have bells
➙Leobucks have a square-shaped nose, this is one of their more defining features


on base designs

Normal Leobuck with short coat

Normal Leobuck with Mane coat and accessories! You may add as many accessories to your 'Bucks

Normal Leobuck with silky coat! This Leobuck is showing off the bells trait they can have

off base designs

Good view of the square nose that is iconic to the 'Buck species

This Leobuck has a special fur item attached called Poodle fur, this 'Buck is also rockin hair. All 'bucks can have hair

Humanoid Designs

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