
<a href=" Cat" class="display-item">Mira Cat</a>

Mira Cat

Category: Pets

Mira cat

This Lovely alien feline would make a great companion for anyone looking for some grit!

Mira Cats are said to be sassy and stubborn. The Mira cat can be destructive, so watch your beverages around this purple kitty.



-Gain Extra loot for prompts


How to obtain:

Mira Cats drop from Lore Encounters Prompt 4-man Party loot

<a href=" Cat" class="display-item">Docian Cat</a>

Docian Cat

Category: Pets

Docian cat

Docian Cats are loyal and true! They will make a great companion for someone looking for a brave heart!

The Docian cat is a greatly gentle and sweet-natured alien feline. Docians will go to battle for their owners and will defend them till the day they die.



-5 point stat boost in all stats when equipt to a Bangoal player


How to obtain:

- Bangoal Prompt 3v3 loot drop

<a href=" Cat" class="display-item">Korak Cat</a>

Korak Cat

Category: Pets

Korak Cat

Korak Cats are fearsome and mysterious. They tend to be more aloof and hard to bond with. They make great companions with someone who wants a challenge.

The Korak cat is rumored to be as old as alphas themselves. Not much is known about them as they are more of a feral cat that is not too fond of 'Bucks. It takes a lot of trust-building for a Korak to even consider you as its friend let alone owner. Many believe the Korak cat was born from fire... but that sounds like a superstition.



-Raid loot drops for any completed Lore Encounter prompts when equipped (As a bonus loot to the loot you already receive)


How to obtain:

-Drops from Lore Encounters Raid

<a href=" Dog" class="display-item">Shelent Dog</a>

Shelent Dog

Category: Pets

Shelent dog

Shelent Dogs are known in Ttakor as the "luck hounds". They will make a great companion for anyone who needs a little luck in their life.

Shelent was an accidental breeding of the Shelie Dog and the Vavent Dog! A breeder of the Shelie Dog was at a show ring with their Shelie when an oopsie happened with a competitor's Vavent Dog. After seeing how these alien pooches brought their owner's great fortune, the breed crossbreed became very popular amongst dog breeding and showing communities. Shelent Dogs became a staple and thrived in today's society in Ttakor.



-Drops a Lucky loot box after completing Lore Encounters Prompts


How to Obtain:

-Drops from Lore Encounters 6-man prompt

<a href=" Dog" class="display-item">Phenox Dog</a>

Phenox Dog

Category: Pets

phenox dog

Phenox Dog is a rambunctious rascal, it lives and breathes for sports! This savvy pup is ready to adventure with anyone looking for an energetic friend.

The Phenox was bred to hunt, working closely with its owner, the Phenox thrives to work! Even though they were originally bred for hunting, they developed a skill for the sports world. Phenox dog has become a fan favorite amongst the sporting dog community in Ttakor.



- 2 stat boots in all stats for a bangoal player


How to Obtain:

-Drops from Bangoal prompt 1v1

<a href=" Dog" class="display-item">Ethria Dog</a>

Ethria Dog

Category: Pets

Ethria dog

Ethria Dog was born and bred in the royal palaces in Ttakor. These pampered alien canines will make an excellent companion for someone looking for class.

The Ethira is not a puppy to underestimate. Their fancy coats are only half of this dog's pedigree. Ethira has remained the token dog for competing and a sign of great wealth. Ethira is a one-owner-type dog, they are protective and fierce, females being the more aggressive towards a perpetrator. If someone sees you walking around town with an Ethira, they know you must either be of someone of importance or wealthy.



-Drops Golden Bank loot after completing Lore Encounter prompts 4-man parties and higher.


How to Obtain:

-Drops from Lore Encounters Raid


Category: Pets

Starlight Shoon

Category: Pets

Stormy Shoon

Category: Pets

Fire Reetle

Category: Pets

Snow Reetle

Category: Pets

Stone Reetle

Category: Pets


Category: Pets

Dusk Twiwa

Category: Pets

Midnight Twiwa

Category: Pets

15 results found.