
Created: 8 August 2023, 18:10:58 PDT
Last updated: 9 August 2023, 12:55:45 PDT
(Current arc, this arc is not as detailed as the others so it will be described in small bulletins for now)
Alphas, the original occupants of Ttatkor, lived dormant under the planet for a millennia
Due to the Kaeraa taking the power from the tree by force, and the cause that had on the ecosystem, it caused a balance shift within the planet
Once the planet was healed from what the Kaeraa had done, around 21 years of mostly peace and tranquility began but under the surface, something was changing
Alphas began to wake from their dormancy all across the planet, and cracks in the land began to appear- soon the Alphas emerged from these cracks in a confused state
Alphas had no idea how long they had been gone for and were upset to find new creatures inhabiting what they deemed ‘their’ home
Some Alphas began to fight with the ‘bucks of Ttatkor for their home, while others accepted how long they had been gone and that they needed to make peace with these new occupants after being gone for so long